In his short life, filmmaker Jonathan Schwartz (1973-2018) created a striking body of 16mm works of deep lyrical sensitivity and a wisdom beyond his years. In introspective works blending travelogue, personal reverie, familial portraiture and literary allusion, Schwartz’ subtle and open-ended films meditate on intimacy, generation, loss and hope with uncanny kindness and grace, as well as a brooding sense of mortality, of time passing. This memorial screening includes Schwartz’ films Animals Moving to the Sound of Drums (2013), Winter Beyond Winter (2016), A Set of Miniatures (2013) and more.
in Culture, Entertainment, Events
Event Details
July 25, 2019
For a Winter: Remembering Jonathan Schwartz San Francisco Cinematheque
The Yerba Buena Center for the Arts
7:30 pm